Thornhill Celebrates V. E. Day
Created in Honour of the 60th Anniversary of the end of the War in Europe

The following article written by Doris M. FitzGerald, which appeared in the Richmond Hill Liberal in the week following V. E. Day, provides a glimpse into the feelings of jubilation and remembrance expressed by the people of Thornhill as word reached home that the war in Europe had finally come to an end.

This exhibit has been created in memory of the ten young men and women of Thornhill who did not return home.

V. E. Day in Thornhill

"On Monday evening the ringing of bells and the happy singing of children gave the first intimation to residents who had not been listening to the radio, that V.E. Day was at last a reality. The children were the pupils of Thornhill Public School, who, led by their teachers, marched up and down Yonge St. , waiving flags and singing patriotic songs. As if by magic decorations appeared on shops and houses and there was much excited running back and forth between neighbours and friends. To those with memories of the previous war the news came as a blessed relief after years of anxiety and tension. Their jubilation was tempered by by the remembrance that some of our lads will not come marching home again..."
Now too, we must face the tremendous task of rehabilitating our veterans and of helping to restore and rebuild the impoverished battle scarred countries.

On Monday evening the combined congregations of the of the United, Presbyterian and Anglican churches held a solemn and impressive service of Thanksgiving and intercession in Trinity Anglican church. The Rev. Dr. Duncan and the Rev. S. A. R. Wood officiated and the church was crowded to the doors.

Public demonstrations were left to the young people... For want of anything better to use as streamers the children bought up every available roll of toilet paper to festoon cars and throw over wires and fences. At dusk there was some street dancing to music provided by the juke box belonging to the rink and another loaned by Mr. H. C. Swabey. Mr. Reid of Garden Ave., Langstaff added to the festivities by skirling a few tunes on his bagpipes. Before rain put an end to the celebration an effigy of Hitler was strung up and burned amid cheers and boos.

On Tuesday Yonge Street was littered but quiet again. The hotel and the Bell Telephone office were however experiencing the busiest day on record. Mrs. Nelson Findlay said they were hard put to feed all the hungry people who came begging for meals, and Mrs. Francis reports that besides many extra local calls, connections were made for more than 400 long distance calls. Two girls were kept busy at the switch board during each shift.

A splendid 27-piece R.C.A.F. band gave dash and zest to the community Victory parade to the United Church on Sunday evening. Forming at the school grounds the parade moved up Yonge Street to Centre Street and the the church. Veterans, Scouts, Cubs and Girls' Council marched behind the band and then took seats which had been specially reserved for them in the auditorium.

After the service the parade formed again and marched passed the reviewing stand on Centre St. where Colonel Edmund Willis took the salute. With Col. Willis were the Reeve of Vaughan township, Boynton Weldrick; the Reeve of Markham township, Charles Hooper, and the village trustees. The school trustees and the group committee of the Scouts were also at the stand.

After the parade the members of the band were invited to "Happy Acres", Alan Sumner's home for lunch.

The United Church was full to overflowing and a loud speaker attachment carried the service to those who found seating in the school room. The singing was led by the combined choirs of the Anglican, Presbyterian and United Churches and the pastors of these congregations took charge of the service. Rev. S. A. R. Wood of the Anglican church delivered the sermon. An offering of $85.00 was turned over to the local Red Cross organization. A feature of the service was the reading of the names of the twelve young people who had paid the supreme sacrifice. The congregation stood while the chimes softly played "Abide With me" and a prayer of remembrance was offered. Altogether it was a memorable and beautiful celebration. A beautiful order of service , prepared by the Canadian Council of Churches was used."

Doris M. FitzGerald
[Exact date uncertain: Early May, 1945]

The following pages are from the Thornhill Honour Roll and Scrapbook compiled by Doris M. FitzGerald shortly after the war. Not all of the men and women of Thornhill who served in the forces were represented here, yet all are represented on the Honour Roll below.

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Thornhill Honour Roll and Scrapbook
Compiled by Doris M. FitzGerald [c.1947].
Thornhill Archives (2003.18)

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Thornhill Honour Roll and Scrapbook
Compiled by Doris M. FitzGerald [c.1947].
Thornhill Archives (2003.18)

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Thornhill Honour Roll and Scrapbook
Compiled by Doris M. FitzGerald [c.1947].
Thornhill Archives (2003.18)

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Thornhill Honour Roll and Scrapbook
Compiled by Doris M. FitzGerald [c.1947].
Thornhill Archives (2003.18)

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Thornhill Honour Roll and Scrapbook
Compiled by Doris M. FitzGerald [c.1947].
Thornhill Archives (2003.18)

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Thornhill Honour Roll and Scrapbook
Compiled by Doris M. FitzGerald [c.1947].
Thornhill Archives (2003.18)

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Thornhill Honour Roll and Scrapbook
Compiled by Doris M. FitzGerald [c.1947].
Thornhill Archives (2003.18)

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Thornhill Honour Roll and Scrapbook
Compiled by Doris M. FitzGerald [c.1947].
Thornhill Archives (2003.18)

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Thornhill Honour Roll and Scrapbook
Compiled by Doris M. FitzGerald [c.1947].
Thornhill Archives (2003.18)

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Thornhill Honour Roll and Scrapbook
Compiled by Doris M. FitzGerald [c.1947].
Thornhill Archives (2003.18)

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A List of the Men and Women of Thornhill and District Serving in the Forces 1939-1945.
Title block by Thoreau MacDonald, names by Doris M. FitzGerald.
In the collection of the Thornhill Village Library